Keyword page
System-Haus, Quelltext,
source code, Mannheim, Programmierarbeit, Programmierer,
Auftragsarbeit, Projekt, Software-Entwickler, software
developer, Softwareentwickler, Softwareentwicklung,
IT-Profi, IT-Professional, Informatik, informatics,
Informatiker, computer scientist, computer science,
Information Technology, Informationstechnologie, programmieren,
Software entwickeln,
printer driver programming,
Druckertreiber-Programmierung, image printer driver,
DDK, Device Driver Kit, colour space conversion, color
space conversion, compression algorithm, Ring 0, Language
Monitor, Port Monitor, Druck-Umleitung, printer redirection,
print redirection, DEVMODE, device mode, DriverEntry,
DrvEnableDriver, DrvEnablePDEV, DrvEnableSurface, dmExtra,
dmSize, pcidrv, EngCreateDeviceSurface, DrvOffset, Treiberprogrammierung,
Treiber-Programmierung, Treiberentwicklung, Treiber-Entwicklung,
driver programming, driver programing, driver development,
Windows DDK, WinDbg, Debugging Tool, kernel mode, driver
debugging, remote debugging, AddDevice, StartDevice,
IRP_MJ_PNP, IRP_MJ_POWER, DriverUnload, ntddk.h, wdm.h,
Windows Driver Model, WDM, Interrupt Handler, DeviceIoControl,
Interrupt, Software Interrupt, Synchronization, Driver
Thread, WaitForSingleObject, PCI driver, USB driver,
IOCTL, control code, filter driver,
plotter driver, vinyl
cutter, Plottertreiber, Secabo, Summa, knife offset,
blade offset, blade-offset, blade offset adjustment,
knife offset adjustment, Messerversatz-Korrektur, Schleppmesser,
drag blade, sign industry, Werbetechnik, Signmaker,
Signage, cutting plotter,
document management, Projektverwaltung, Freiberufler-Software,
Software für Selbständige, Branchensoftware,
Textverarbeitung, Business software, Dokumentenvorlage,
Unternehmensberatung, Unternehmensberater, 19, Mwst,
Mehrwertsteuer, Mehrwertsteuersatz, Business Consultant,
Farbauszug, Farbauszüge,
Raster Image Processor, color separation, colour separation,
Farbseparation, separación de colores, RGB2CMYK,
Doc2Tiff, Doc2Image, color profile, colour profile,
Farbprofil, Perfil de color, image interpolation, interpolación,
interpolation, pixelation, Aufpixeln, pixelado, Druckvorstufe,
Prepress, pre-impresion, prepress tool, printery software,
Druckerei-Software, Repro, exposure studio, Belichtungsstudio,
LZW, neutral gray, neutrales Grau, Gris neutral, UCR,
GCR, grey component replacement, under color removal,
Digitaldruck, digital printing, DTP, Desktop Publishing,
Borde para recortar, Mediengestalter, Werbeagentur,
advertising agency, Verlag, Publishing house, Grafik-Design,
graphics design, Grafik-Designer, graphics designer,
computer to plate, CtP, Belichter, MS Office, MS Word,
Winword, doc, PowerPoint, ppt, Excel, xls, Druckvorlage,
setting copy, Office2CMYK, color separation tool, Distiller,
PDF, workflow, non prepress applications, Acrobat, prepress
workflow, Druckvorstufen-Software, Druckvorstufen-Workflow,
Druckvorstufen-Tool, in-RIP, Kunstdruck, art print,
Verlagssoftware, Druckvorstufensoftware, CTP-Software,
CTP software, DTP software, DTP tool, Service-Büro,
service agency, prepress agency, publication software,
publication tool, RIP-Software, RIP software, Tipografia,
typography, ICC profiles, ICC-Profile, Repro-Software,
Repro software, reproduction software, repro tool, repro
studio, Satz, Layout, Ausschießen, Bogenmontage,
preprint, preprint software, Image Processing, Bildbearbeitung,
Farbkeil, color proof, colour proof, Farb-Proof, RGB-based,
RGB-basierend, Digitaldruck-Software, digital printing
software, Preflight, Pre-flight, Trapping, Blitzer,
CMYK, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, BlacK, separation, separation
software, Überfüllen, separation tool, Grafik-Design
Software, graphics design software, TIFF-RIP, TIFF RIP,
Proofing, Imagesetter, platesetter,
convertidor PDF, PostScript
converter, convertidor PostScript, Doc2PDF, personalizing
documents, Dokumente personalisieren, documentos personalizados,
automatic PDF conversion, automated PDF conversion,
automatisierte PDF-Umwandlung, automatische PDF-Umwandlung,
Doc2Mail, Doc2eMail, print2mail, print to mail, win2email,
win2mail, print2pdf, email PDF, send PDF, PDF send,
send as PDF, Office2mail, Office2email, PDF by mail,
PDF by email, PDF by e-mail, PDF als Anhang, PDF-Anhang,
PDF as attachment, PDF attachment, als PDF-Anhang, PDF
aus MS Office, PDF erzeugen, PDF-Erzeugung, PDF Erzeugung,
PDF-Versand, PDF generation, generating PDF, mail as
PDF, PDF conversion, PDF creation, creating PDF, create
PDF, generate PDF, make PDF, PDF making, PDF Maker,
PDF Printer Driver, PostScript Printer Driver, PDF Druckertreiber,
PostScript Druckertreiber, PDF-Druckertreiber, PostScript-Druckertreiber,
PDF schicken, PDF per email, PDF per mail, PDF senden,
PDF-Direktversand, personalisierte dokumente, personalisierte
PDF, PDF direkt, PDF direct, as PDF attachment, automated
PDF converter, convert doc to e-mail, convert doc to
email, convert doc to mail, convert doc to pdf, convert
document to email, convert document to mail, convert
MS Office to mail, e-mail PDF, office to e-mail, personalized
documents, personalized PDF, print to e-mail, print
to email, print2eMail,
localsearch, search
function, Suchfunktion, local search engine, lokale
suchmaschine, keyword, Stichwort, keyword search, Stichwortsuche,
javascript suchmaschine, java script search engine,
search function for homepage, Suchfunktion für
Homepage, textsuche, freitextsuche, Website, search
function for website,
Doc2Fax, Doc2Fax API,
Fax API, Fax Application Programming Interface, Fax
Application Programing Interface, Fax Programmier-Schnittstelle,
Fax SDK, TIFF-F, Fax Group 3, Fax driver, Fax-Treiber,
Programmierschnittstelle, Programing Interface, Programming