Sign Making unlimited
Now it is marketable - our driver for the combined thermal
printer and cutting plotter made by a japanese
manufacturer. This device works with more than 10 different
color ribbons, each in mono color mode (Mono
Spot Colors). Right after printing, the integrated cutting
plotter cuts the signs to their shape. (Not without
pride we'd like to point out that there are only a few
specialists in the world capable of creating such a
software product full of maximum difficulties.)

delivered driver for "secabo C III"
As already before for series C I and C II, DriverLab
now also delivers the driver for cutting plotters of
series secabo C III.

Knife offset correction for "secabo mini"
Within the process chain between the existing driver
of the chinese manufacturer and the Port Monitor,
we put a so-called Language Monitor, which corrects
the drag knife's offset.
Our customer NEPATA
GmbH's vinyl cutters of brand secabo
mini can now comfortably be driven from CorelDRAW,
Adobe Illustrator or Macromedia Freehand.

1/19/09: Telekom Baltija trusts
in Doc2Fax API
Telekom Baltija
with headquarter in Riga orders a customized version
of our Doc2Fax API with Fax
Group 3 output..

12/18/08: Vista's Service Pack
1 shows the difference
Like many others, too, who had purchased a seemingly
cheap driver product from countries with low production
costs like Vietnam or Russia, Vista's Service Pack
1 also caused a bad awakening for Cytel
Software GmbH from Mannheim: After installing the
Service Pack, their Made-in-Vietnam Fax driver did not
work any longer on Vista - Doc2Fax
API filled the gap also in this case.

11/14/08: Intelligent PDF Mailer
delivered to Sydney
An "intelligent PDF Mailer",
that's how one could call the taylor-made product which
DriverLab delivered to australian software forge Adaptis:
This virtual printer driver scans the contents of
the printed document for eMail-address, subject-line
and eMail-body, and then sends the document - without
any further user interaction - as PDF attachment per
SMTP from a Windows Terminal Server to
this eMail-address.

9/25/08: Isotherm-problem solved
for PostScript
For our client MeteoConsult
BV, Europa's greatest private weather service, we
have solved the so-called isotherm-problem regarding
printer language PostScript. It is about a mathematical
problem from the field of topology.

7/1/08: ASIO Delphi Component
ASIO (Audio Stream Input/Output) is an
audio transfer protocol allowing very low latency
times on processing audio signals.
On behalf of a customer from Technical
University in Koice (Slovakia), we have now
developed a Delphi Component which makes communication
with the respective ASIO driver very easy, even
for a layperson.

6/20/08: Virtual Audio Driver
delivered to Colombia
In collaboration with our californian partner
company We Do Drivers,
a subsidiary firm of MuThink
Inc., we have developed a so-called Virtual Audio
Driver meant to be deployed on Windows Server
2003 for the big south-american security technology
enterprise SLM
Sistemas in Bogota.

6/12/08: New crop feature for
Especially on large-sized printouts of building
plans and construction drawings from AutoCAD
it is often desirable to remove the unprinted white
margins from the PostScript file already before the
actual printing process.
The new "crop white margins" feature implemented
in Online Printery "iPlott"
takes care of this task now.

4/15/08: New: Company licence
for PostScope
Because of the so-called Software Dongle,
so far every single computer running PostScope
PDF Dispatch Engine needed an individual registration
PostScope's new company licence makes things much less
circumstantial now: The registration key to the company
license is like a general key matching on all

3/21/08: Partnership with MuThink
In future DriverLab SRL and californian
software manufacturer MuThink
Inc. will collaborate in certain projects, taking
mutual benefit from existing synergy effects.

3/14/08: PostScope on CD Práctico
Our PostScope PDF Dispatch
Engine is being distributed on CD Práctico,
published by Computer
Hoy, the most important computer magazine in Spain.

2/28/08: Started pilot project
at KCI-Medical
The danish branch office of world-renowned firm
puts PostScope PDF Dispatch
Engine to the test in field service: From their
vehicles the field service employees mail their
reports (in form of PDF) to the head office, where reprocessing
takes place.

2/14/08: Fax G3 driver for VoiceMailTel
DriverLab SRL supplies a driver with Fax G3
output to canadian telecommunication enterprise
VoiceMailTel Inc.
in Toronto.

2/8/08: iPlott Vista completed
New features and improved adaption to Windows
Vista characterise the new, developed further version
of our software for italian Online
Printery "iPlott".

11/27/07: New: Doc2Fax API with
Fax Group 3
On multiple demand we are publishing a new, completely
revised version of our developer tool Doc2Fax
API, which now optionally can also put out TIFF-F
/ Fax Group 3.

7/9/07: Adapted iPlott to Adobe
Creative Suite 3
In the course of the permanent further development
of our PostScript printer driver for Online
Printery "iPlott", among other things
we have adapted the driver to certain news conditions
in Adobe Creative Suite 3.

4/20/07: Switch-over to Windows
Vista completed
Especially for printer driver programming, Microsoft's
new operating system Windows Vista with its User
Account Control (UAC), Session 0 Isolation,
Registry Virtualization and ban of Kernel Mode Drivers,
brought many changes. The required rearrangements
in our products are now completed.

12/21/06: PostScope in the Sunshine
Insurance society Filer
Insurance in Miami, Florida, from now on
accelerates its office communication with our PostScope
PDF Dispatch Engine.

12/15/06: Audio Recorder completed
In the context of our long-standing collaboration
with Cytel Software GmbH
from Mannheim we have manufactured a software component
for this customer, with which one can record, play,
edit and display audio files.

10/27/06: Additional operating
modes for GSM PCI card
We now extend the driver for the GSM PCI card
of company coM.s.a.t.
GmbH from Viernheim, which we had already developed
before, by some important operating modes.

7/15/06: Colour quantity and
purity on Canon PIXMA IP3000
Unusual modes of application require unusual
measures, just like here in the case of a renowned food
chemistry institute in Stuttgart: In order to maximize
the amount of colour per unit of square measure,
and to avoid intermixing of different colour
inks at the same time, we manipulate the Canon Escape
Code of the manufacturer's driver even before it
gets to the printer.

5/8/06: Secabo USB problem solved
When exceeding a certain data throughput, the
USB connection to the vinyl cutters of our customer
NEPATA GmbH's brand
secabo caused a
buffer overrun.
We could now solve this problem by sending the correct
I/O Control Codes to the USB driver and by adjusting
the data flow in addition to that.

4/19/06: coM.s.a.t. orders driver
for GSM PCI card
On behalf of communication system expert coM.s.a.t.
GmbH from Viernheim, Germany, we are developing
a driver for a GSM PCI card facilitating mobile
telephone calls into and from within corporate networks.

3/27/06: Driver extension for
Hyundai HDP-920
Especially when it is about older models, some
manufacturers of printer devices do provide a driver
for the obsolete operating systems Windows 9x
and ME, but none - or just one with limited functionality
- for today's current operating systems Windows XP and
In some cases it can be worth-while even for private
customers to have the functionality of such a restricted
XP/2000 driver extended, for example around certain
print formats. Now Hyundai's HDP-920 exactly
was a case like this.

3/17/06: Began driver development
for SummaSign T610
Under Windows XP and 2000, Belgian enterprise
Summa, one of Europe's
largest manufacturers of cutting plotters, for some
of its older models like tangential plotter SummaSign
T610, so far could not provide a full-function substitute
for its old 9x/ME driver.
DriverLab has now begun to fill this gap by developing
such a driver for Windows XP / 2000.

2/13/06: Started collaboration
Group, headquartered in Heppenheim, Germany, has
specialized in manufacturing and sale of customized
printer solutions for government offices, banks and
industry. It serves customers worldwide, amongst
them also the Bundesdruckerei,
germany's state authority printery.
KOMDRUCK as manufacturer of printer devices,
and DriverLab, the printer driver specialist, are now
looking forward to a fruitful collaboration.

1/18/06: "B-Logic"
plus PDF dispatch by eMail
It has gotten around - especially Office and
Business Software is easily extensible with PostScope
AutoConvert: The users of Business Software "B-Logic"
by Romanian manufacturer
IntelliSense from now on send their invoices comfortably
directly from within the application as PDF eMail.

12/23/05: Borrello
Centro Servizi places order for "iPlott"
Italian service center Borrello
Centro Servizi S.r.l. in Rome places the order to
DriverLab to develop a PostScript printer driver for
the Online Printery
In this project we collaborate closely with italian
Telecommunication Software Enterprise
beeweeb Technologies, amongst others serving such
reputated clients like Telecom
Italia and Vodafone,

11/16/05: PostScope
appreciated also in the Baltic
Estonian software distributor Skulski
Enterprises Eesti orders a larger number of licences
for our PostScope PDF Dispatch

10/1/05: EXTIF
pro in grafipress catalogue
the specialist dealer for media designers in
germany, released its new catalogue for 2005/2006 today.
Please find EXTIF pro on
page 66 therein.

8/19/05: PrinTif
9x released
Under name PrinTif 9x we
present a printer driver for Windows 95, 98 and ME,
which turns documents from all PC programs into image
files, in this way applying for becoming an undeniable
tool in Desktop Publishing and Document Management.

7/11/05: Vinyl
cutter driver marketable
NEPATA GmbH brings
our driver for secabo
vinyl cutters to the market. So far, these devices could
be controlled from within makeshilft application "ArtCut
2002" only - without driver - because even the
chinese manufacturer itself did not manage to offer
a driver, which corrects the offset of the drag knife.
From now on, these devices can comfortably be driven
from CorelDRAW, Adobe Illustrator oder
Macromedia Freehand.

5/30/05: c't
Magazin reviews Docula
Magazin, one of Europe's largest and best reputated
computer magazines, reviews our office solution Docula
in issue 12/2005. (see Press

5/2/05: Computer
Hoy reviews EXTIF pro
Spain's largest computer magazine Computer
Hoy reviews our colour separation tool EXTIF
pro in issue "CD Práctico 12" along
with a trial version on its magazine CD.
Résumé: "En definitiva, la calidad
de sus impresiones mejorará." ("Definitely
the quality of your printouts will improve.") (see
Press Review).

4/18/05: Started
development of vinyl cutter driver
On behalf of NEPATA GmbH
we started to develop a driver for secabo
vinyl cutters, which automatically corrects the offset
of the drag knife.

3/31/05: PostScope PDF Dispatch Engine
AutoConvert released
With PostScope AutoConvert
we present a tool, which converts documents into PDF
automatedly, that means without a human being
having to open the document and to trigger the print
Basic knowledge in programming is already sufficient
to control and operate PostScope AutoConvert.

2/25/05: Actus
Notarissen switches to PostScope PDF Dispatch Engine
The whole notary's office of Actus
Notarissen in Netherlands accelerates its office
communication with our PostScope PDF Dispatch Engine.

2/21/05: Doc2Fax API extended
for Windows 95, 98 and ME
Our programming interface Doc2Fax
API now also contains a driver for the so-called
9x-operating-systems Windows 95, 98 and ME.

2/1/05: Distribution contract
signed with asknet
asknet, one of the
world´s leading enterprises in Electronic Software
Distribution and Delivery, will amplify our marketing
activities in future.

1/26/05: Ashtead Singapore switches
to PostScope PDF Dispatch Engine
The whole branch office of Ashtead
Technology Rentals in Singapore accelerates its
office communication with our PostScope PDF Dispatch Engine.

1/21/05: Doc2Fax API released
Under name Doc2Fax API we
present a programming interface for Fax Applications,
with which we address to programmers, who want to develop
their own Fax Software quickly and easily without having
to uncover the secrets of device driver programming

12/10/04: Spanish versions of
EXTIF pro and PostScope PDF Dispatch Engine released
EXTIF pro as well
as PostScope PDF Dispatch Engine at
this point are not only available in german and english
language, but also in Spanish.

11/3/04: Docula with interface
for data import now
Since beginning of November our all-in-one Office Software
(unfortunately currently available in German language
only) offers an important new feature: data import and
export from - or to, respectively - outside of Docula,
so that "transit passengers" can now easily
import their former customer header data into Docula
via a standardized Excel data format, without typing
their fingers to the bone.

10/28/04: EXTIF pro also in
Spanish soon
In the context of our collaboration with spanish Software-wholesaler
Softonic (
is one of the 10 most frequently visited Internet sites
in Spain, even selling to Latin America) we are currently
preparing the release of a spanish version of EXTIF
We are confident to present this version in December

10/10/04: EXTIF pro in grafipress
the specialist dealer for media designers in
germany, released its new catalogue for 2004/2005 today.
Please find EXTIF pro on
page 32 therein.