Professional local search function
for your homepage
LocalSearch generates a professional local search engine
for your Internet appearence. Therefore it searches
all pages of your Internet appearence for key words
and saves all found key words in a database,
which allows your visitors to query, how many times
the desired search term occurs on which html-page. LocalSearch
displays the search results in the same style or
design, which also the other pages of your website

Visitors welcome
Can visitors of your website find all desired informations
immediately? In order not to force them to open every
single page, it is recommended to build-in a search
LocalSearch generates a professional local search function
for your Internet appearence, which is easy to install,
reliable and fast - and comes without monthly charge.
LocalSearch is a software, which searches all pages
of your Internet appearence for key words, generating
a local search engine from this process. With the help
of an Assistant or Wizard you generate a complete quantitative
search engine by a few mouse clicks only. LocalSearch
lists all search results ordered by frequency.
The look or design of your Internet appearence can be
taken on automatically.
LocalSearch de luxe allows you to place input field
and result display at any spot on your website you like.
What had been reserved for websites with php
so far, now becomes possible for html-websites - without
requiring programming skills, by a few mouse clicks

A suitable LocalSearch for everyone:
versions and pricing
There are four different versions of LocalSearch (All
prices seen in table are prices per licence excl.
from 3
from 5
from 10
LocalSearch with
Ad.-Link |
41.18 €
32.77 €
27.73 €
21.01 €
18.49 €
adfree |
53.78 €
41.18 €
37.82 €
32.77 €
29.41 €
de luxe with Ad.-Link |
66.39 €
49.58 €
41.18 €
36.97 €
32.77 €
de luxe adfree |
78.99 €
66.39 €
57.98 €
49.58 €
41.18 €
The Advertising Link appears on the result display
page only. It advertises for LocalSearch itself, and
looks like this:

The base version (non-de-luxe) is suitable for
Internet appearencies with and without Framesets.
It inserts a button on the webpage, which opens a search
page containing an input field for search terms. This
page also displays the search results. See examples
at http://www.local-search-engine.com.
LocalSearch de luxe allows you to place input
field and result display at any spot on your website
you like. What had been reserved for websites with php
so far, now becomes possible for html-websites - without
requiring programming skills, by a few mouse clicks
only. Example: The search function for this website,
www.DriverLab.de, was generated by LocalSearch de luxe,
as well. Just type in any search term, like for instance
"Software", in order to find out how many
times this word occurs on which html-pages within our
The difference between demo and full version
consists in: demo version searches for words starting
with initial letters A-M only.